We published this artbook WOW10 for our 10th anniversary. Over this period, WOW has focused on and has been pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of visual communication. For WOW10, five creative groups from WOW recreated the original works in graphic form with five outside artists contributing their original works. The main theme of this book is to explore the possibilities of such collaborations both now and in the next 10 years. WOW remains passionate and excited about a future of working together with artists from a myriad of fields.

WOW member [未来派図画工作, dollop, JURYOKU, UONUMA....etc]
服部滋樹 / graf [Interior Designer]
Yoshio Kubo [Fashion Designer]
グエナエル・ニコラ / CURIOSITY [Designer]
田中耕一郎 / projector inc. [Web Planner] + artless [Graphic Design]
石渡雅史 / 池坊 [華道家]
Participating Artist:
WOW member [Zugakousaku, dollop, JURYOKU, UONUMA....etc]
Shigeki Hattori / graf [Interior Designer]
Yoshio Kubo [Fashion Designer]
Gwenael Nicolas / CURIOSITY [Designer]
Koichiro Tanaka / projector inc. [Web Planner] + artless [Graphic Design]
Masafumi Ishiwata / Ikenobo [Artist of Japanese flower arrangement]