WOW Edition|WOMB 1
Tyler Bowers
UV Inkjet Print / Glass
378×529 (額装込 / A frame is included in this price.)
WOMB is a surreal vision of how a baby in utero sees the world from inside the mothers womb.
These abstract high resolution renders accompanied by natural sound and ambient music visualize how an infant could possibly visualize the world around as it grows inside the mother’s womb.
By setting this work that has vibrant colors printed on glass inside a box frame, a perfect shadow is cast on the white mat inside the frame, resulting in a feeling of depth. In order to bring attention to the vibrancy of the colors, a simple white frame was selected.

WOW Editionについて
ビジュアルデザインスタジオWOWの映像作品の世界観を踏襲し、さまざまな印刷手法と素材を用いて1枚の絵として新たな作品として発表するプロジェクト。デジタル情報がますますリアリティ(=存在感)を増しつつある中、非物質である映像作品と住空間などの融合を試みる作品「motion texture 02」をベースに、映像の世界観を “一枚のリアリティ” として印刷(=物質化)し、アートピースとして展開。
About the “WOW Edition”
“WOW Edition” project follows the world of visual design studio WOW’s video work, and presents it as one new artwork using various printing methods and materials. As the digital information increases its reality (presence), the outlook of the visual world is materialized as “one piece of reality,” based on the work “motion texture 02” fusing living space and non-material images.

motion texture 02|WOMB
Tyler Bowers
赤ちゃんは、母親のお腹の中から世界をどのように見ているのだろう? 科学もまた、胎児が子宮の外の音を聴いている可能性を示唆している。胎児が思い描いているかもしれない世界を超現実的な映像で視覚化した作品。
WOMB is a surreal vision of how a baby in utero see’s the world from inside the mothers womb. These abstract high resolution renders accompanied by natural sound and ambient music visualize how an infant could possibly visualize the world around as it grows inside the mother’s womb.
For more detail▶motion texture 02